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Too Much Sugar? Here Are 5 Signs To Watch Out For!

Ben Ilacqua • February 15, 2023

Sugar is sugar, right?

Not so fast. There's a big difference between the natural sugars found in fruits and dairy and the added sugar that sweetens processed foods.

Natural sugars are accompanied by fibre, which helps slow digestion and prevents blood sugar crashes. Fruit and dairy also offer other essential vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, added sugar provides zero nutritional value and can lead to blood sugar spikes. Moreover, added calories from added sugar can quickly lead to weight gain.

1. Are you feeling tired all the time?

Hey there! So you're probably wondering why we're talking about the dangers of sugar today. Well, it's because getting enough sleep is important and so is keeping your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day.

You may think that reaching for a sugary snack to power through a work deadline is a good idea, but it's actually just causing your blood sugar levels to spike and then drop. This makes it hard for you to focus on anything but your next sugar fix, which can prevent you from getting the restful sleep that keeps you energised and healthy in the long run.

So what should you do? Start by making sure that every meal contains protein and fibre as both of these nutrients help keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day and keep those snacks light! If something sweet hits your lips at lunchtime, try having some fruit instead. The natural sugars found in fruit will give you a boost without leaving you feeling like you need more sugar later on.

2. Do you have brain fog?

Do you feel like you're in a haze? That it's hard to focus on your work? That maybe your brain doesn't feel right?

You might not even know what's happening, but it is! And we're not just talking about people who drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. We're talking about people who regularly eat or drink foods high in added sugar.

But if you cut back on your added sugar consumption, the difference in energy levels can be really noticeable. If you go from eating a high-sugar, heavily processed diet to a lower-sugar, whole foods, plant-focused diet, suddenly your body has no choice but to start working properly again.

And when everything starts working properly again?

You have more energy than ever before!

3. Is your mood at an all-time low?

If you're feeling down, it might not just be a passing mood. Sugar can negatively affect your mood and mental health.

Have you ever wondered why some people are so much happier than others?

Well, it turns out that the healthfulness of your gut can affect your mood. Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria that produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine and they're involved in regulating your mood. A sugary diet can hurt your gut health and may even lead to depression!

4. Are you getting cavities?

So what does that mean for you?

If you're drinking soda or other sugary beverages throughout the day or snacking on sweets between meals, you're creating a constant stream of acid in your mouth that can lead to tooth decay over time not to mention bad breath!

To protect your teeth, it's a good idea to cut back on high-sugar foods and beverages.

One smart trick: Brushing your teeth after every meal can help deter snacking.

This is a simple habit, but it can make a big difference in your health. After eating, bacteria from the food you've just eaten can get into your mouth and bloodstream. When you brush, you're removing those germs and preventing them from causing damage. Plus, it's a good idea to floss after eating too!

5. Do you have trouble sleeping?

Sleep is crucial for crushing your workouts, promoting recovery and helping with weight-loss. However, research shows diets high in refined sugar are linked to poor-quality sleep.

Sleep is the time when your body repairs itself and builds muscle so it's important to get enough of it! The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get between 7 and 9 hours a night.

But if you're eating too many refined carbs (sugar), your body has trouble producing melatonin, which is what makes you feel sleepy. To make matters worse, eating too much sugar before bed can keep you awake by causing cravings for more sugar or caffeine throughout the night. And if you're already having trouble sleeping because of stress, anxiety or depression, those cravings could be adding to your problems.

In the end, it's about being smart about your diet, making informed choices and doing your best to listen to your body when it comes to what it needs. With that in mind, you can absolutely create a healthier lifestyle for yourself without swearing off every food you enjoy. The key is moderation, and creating guidelines for yourself around your favourite foods that make sense for your body and mind. Learning how to reduce sugar intake can help you minimise cravings, feel better about your nutrition; and no doubt play a role in helping you achieve your health goals.

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